Episode 3 Mello Cellotron

This instrumental jam comes from the Twitch stream on Thursday April 6, 2023. I was feeling in a bit of a funk to start things off, but I found my groove at around the 50 minute mark with a fun harmonic progression that allowed for a nice build. Listening back I think there were some other nice improvs in here too, with a dark and mysterious one at 43 minutes in. I also threw in some older songs of mine, including Bamboo 2 at 26:30, an instrumental version of Traveling Light at 34:30 and to finish everything off Voyage Home from Momotaro at 57 minutes.

It’s funny how at the time of doing these I sometimes feel like I’ve missed the mark, but when I listen back I’m able to hear more things that I like than I expected to. It’s kind of a nice musical journal in that way for me, since I can reflect on things in a new light and find something more positive about it all than at the time of the compositional experience. It reinforces something I’ve long felt about the whole artistic process too, which is that it’s most important to just consistently show up rather than sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike. In other words if you’re already in place chipping away at something, you’ll be perfectly poised to take advantage when inspiration does strike, as opposed to only then picking up the tools to begin the process.

Episode 2 String Theories

Episode 2 String Theories

This episode comes from the Twitch stream on Tuesday April 4, 2023. I felt like it took me a little while to get in the groove, but listening back I think there are some nice moments interspersed throughout, and things start to get going in the second half. The live audience especially liked the piece composed at 43 minutes, calling it a “Wistful” one, and it’s an example of a live composed piece that I’ll probably revisit later and trim down to a song format.

Episode 1 For Relaxing Times April 3, 2023

I have been livestreaming my music for about a year now on Twitch, and have more or less gotten the hang of making things up on the fly for an hour or so. I haven’t been quite sure what to do with the content, since only a limited number of people are available to watch the livestreams, and not all of the content is suitable to be released as trimmed down standalone songs.

Thus I have arrived at making the audio available as a podcast that anyone who is interested can listen to at their leisure. Most of the music is improvised and what you’re hearing is being made up on the spot. As a result there are parts that are more interesting than others, but almost every piece eventually coalesces into something that works and has its special moments. Things take time to build though, and I invite you to give the music a chance to unfold and come along for the journey with me.

I have edited out the talking that often comes between the songs, in which I respond to viewers who are commenting live. I’m going to be experimenting with this format, and if it turns out some talking is actually enjoyable for people I may opt to keep it in at times. If the consensus is that music alone is preferable for relaxation or study/concentration purposes, I totally get that too.

If there are any pieces that stand out in particular I’d love to hear your feedback below! Just please try to include the timestamp of the audio for my reference. The final song is “Dreams” from my album “Reversal,” everything else is improvised live and has no title as of yet. Enjoy!